Location: Berlin, Oh. Address will be on invoice.
Begins Ending Tuesday February 13, 2024, at 5:00 P.M.
Antiques * Signs * Tools * Primitives * Misc.
Pickup Date/Time: Thursday Feb. 15th from 4:00-7:00 P.M.
Contents: Large variety of items including a good variety of Porcelain & tin signs; cast iron lots; early bubble gum machine; lots of tools; toys; anvils; tins; pulleys; hog oiler; early milk tester; wooden framed water pump; sled; kitchen lots; glassware; sports cards & memorabilia; lots of misc.
Note: This auction contains A large variety of items with over 400-lots to sell. If you can’t make the pickup time rescheduling at a later date can be arranged at the homeowners convenience. Be sure to call if you need to reschedule.
Kaufman Realty & Auctions
Aden Yoder, Auctioneer