Antiques & Collectibles - One Owner Collection - Kaufman Realty & Auctions
Online Auction

Antiques & Collectibles - One Owner Collection

Antiques & Collectibles - One Owner Collection

Antiques & Collectibles One Owner Collection
O N L I N E   O N L Y  A U C T I O N        

Bidding is open & begins ending 
Monday, May 13th, 6:00 PM 

Pick Up Location: 559 Belden Parkway NE, Sugarcreek Ohio 44681

   Pick Up Date: Tuesday, May 14th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm  


 Signs | Cardboard Standups | Local Advertising & Post Cards
Calendar Art & Samples | Paper Advertising | Vintage Trays | Lithographs


Partial List: (20) plus signs; tin thermometers; vintage cardboard standups; local advertising pcs; leather post cards; lots of misc vintage postcards; vintage chalkware americana; crocks; Coca-Cola trays; milk bottles; soda fountain canisters; patches; flour bags; large quantity of paper advertisements includes old time ice cream banners & signs; vintage calendars; lots of lithograph prints, paper calendar art, & calendar samples most from American Art Works; advertising fans; Goshen Dairy advertising items; Tuscarawas County books; Dietz RR lantern; baseball cards; blue tinted jars; Grapette cooler; misc advertising art plates; glass store displays; Sterling Silver spoons; & more

Note: Be sure to visit to view the complete catalog, view photos & to bid.

Terms: Online terms apply, 10% buyer’s premium 

Auction by order of: Joe Kreitzer 

KAUFMAN REALTY & AUCTIONS                      

RAY YODER, REALTOR/ AUCTIONEER                              

559 Belden Parkway NE, Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681